miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2024

Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach (David Spratt)

Spratt, D., Dunlop, I., Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach, Breakthrough – National Centre for Climate Restoration (NCCR), Melbourne, Australia, policy paper, 2019, pp. 11

•    Analysis of climate-related security threats depends significantly on understanding the strengths and limitations of climate science projections. Much scientific knowledge produced for climate policy-making is conservative and reticent.
•    Climate change now represents a near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilization. But this is not inevitable. A new approach to climate-related security risk-management is thus required, giving particular attention to the high-end and difficult-to-quantify “fat-tail” possibilities, in order to avoid such an outcome.
•    This may be most effectively explored by scenario analysis. A 2050 scenario of the high-end risks is outlined, where accelerating climate-change impacts pose big negative consequences to humanity which might not be undone for centuries.
•    To reduce or avoid such risks and to sustain human civilization, it is essential to build a zero-emissions industrial system very quickly. This requires the global mobilization of resources on an emergency basis, akin to a wartime level of response.

2. Scientific reticence
Climate scientists may err on the side of “least drama”, whose causes may include adherence to the scientific norms of restraint, objectivity and skepticism, and may under-predict or down-play future climate changes [8]. In 2007, security analysts warned that, in the two previous decades, climate-change scientific predictions had consistently underestimated the severity of what actually transpired [9]. This problem persists, notably in work of the IPCC, whose Assessment Reports exhibit a one-sided reliance on general climate models, which incorporate important climate processes, but do not include all of the processes that can contribute to system feedbacks, compound extreme events, and abrupt and/or irreversible changes [10]. Other forms of knowledge are downplayed, including paleoclimatology, expert advice, and semi-empirical models. IPCC reports present detailed, quantified, complex modelling results, but then briefly note more severe, non- linear, system-change possibilities in a descriptive, non-quantified form. Because policymakers and the media are often drawn to headline numbers, this approach results in less attention being given to the most devastating, difficult-to-quantify outcomes. In one example, the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report in 2014 projected a sea-level rise of 0.55-0.82 m by 2100, but said “levels above the likely range cannot be reliably evaluated”. By way of comparison, the higher of two US Department of Defence scenarios is a 2-m rise by 2100, and the “extreme” scenario developed by a number of US government agencies is 2.5 m by 2100 [11]. Another example is the recent IPCC 1.5°C report, which projected that warming would continue at the current rate of ~0.2°C per decade and reach the 1.5°C mark around 2040. However, the 1.5°C boundary is likely to be passed in half that time, around 2030, and the 2°C boundary around 2045, due to accelerating anthropogenic emissions, decreased aerosol loading and changing ocean circulation conditions [12–14]. 

3. Existential risk
An existential risk to civilisation is one posing permanent large negative consequences to humanity which may never be undone, either annihilating intelligent life or permanently and drastically curtailing its potential. With the commitments by nations to the 2015 Paris Agreement, the current path of warming is 3°C or more by 2100. But this does not include “long-term” carbon-cycle feedbacks, which are materially relevant now and in the near future due to the unprecedented rate at which human activity is perturbing the climate system. Considering these, the Paris path would lead to ≈5°C of warming by 2100. Scientists warn that warming of 4°C is incompatible with an organised global community, is devastating to the majority of ecosystems, and has a high probability of not being stable. The World Bank says it may be “beyond adaptation”. But existential threats may also exist for many peoples and regions at a significantly lower level of warming. In 2017, 3°C of warming was categorised as “catastrophic” with a warning that, on a path of unchecked emissions, low-probability, high-impact warming could be catastrophic by 2050.
Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber warns that “climate change is now reaching the end-game, where very soon humanity must choose between taking unprecedented action, or accepting that it has been left too late and bear the consequences.” He says that if we continue down the present path “there is a very big risk that we will just end our civilisation. The human species will survive somehow but we will destroy almost everything we have built up over the last two thousand years.”
Unfortunately, conventional risk and probability analysis becomes useless in these circumstances because it excludes the full implications of outlier events and possibilities lurking at the fringes.
Prudent risk-management means an objective look at real risks to which we are exposed, especially at those “fat-tail” events, which may have consequences that are damaging beyond quantification, and threaten the survival of human civilisation. Global warming projections display a “fat-tailed” distribution with a greater likelihood of warming that is well in excess of the average amount of warming predicted by climate models, and are of higher probability than would be expected under typical statistical assumptions. The risk lies disproportionately in the “fat-tail” outcomes (see Fig. 1).



5. Discussion
This scenario provides a glimpse into a world of “outright chaos” on a path to the end of human civilisation and modern society as we have known it, in which the challenges to global security are simply overwhelming and political panic becomes the norm. Yet the world is currently completely unprepared to envisage, and even less deal with, the consequences of catastrophic climate change. What can be done to avoid such a probable but catastrophic future? It is clear from our preliminary scenario that dramatic action is required this decade if the “hothouse Earth” scenario is to be avoided. To reduce this risk and protect human civilisation, a massive global mobilisation of resources is needed in the coming decade to build a zero-emissions industrial system and set in train the restoration of a safe climate. This would be akin in scale to the World War II emergency mobilisation. There is an increasing awareness that such a response is now necessary. Prof. Kevin Anderson makes the case for a Marshall Plan-style construction of zero-carbon-dioxide energy supply and major electrification to build a zero-carbon industrial strategy by “a shift in productive capacity of society akin to that in WW II”. Others have warned that “only a drastic, economy-wide makeover within the next decade, consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C”, would avoid the transition of the Earth System to the Pliocene-like conditions that prevailed 3-3.3 million years ago, when temperatures were ~3°C and sea levels 25 m higher. It should be noted here that the 1.5° goal is not safe for a number of Earth System elements, including Arctic sea-ice, West Antarctica and coral reefs. The national security sector has unrivalled experience and capacity in such mobilisation, and can play a unique role in its development and implementation, as well as educating policymakers of the existential security risks in failing to do so.

5. Conclusions
•    Recognize limitations of policy-relevant climate change research (it may show scientific reticence).
•    Adopt a scenario approach giving attention to high-end warming possibilities in understanding mid-range (mid-century) climate and security risks, particularly due to the existential implications.
•    Give analytical focus to the role of near-term action as a determinant in preventing planetary and human systems reaching a “point of no return” by mid-century, in which the prospect of a largely uninhabitable Earth leads to the breakdown of nations and the international order.
•    Urgently examine the role that the national security sector can play in providing leadership and capacity for a near-term, society-wide, emergency mobilization of labor and resources, of a scale unprecedented in peacetime, to build a zero-emissions industrial system and draw down carbon to protect human civilization.

impacts of climate change in Europe

Impacts of climate change in Europe [1]:

•    magnification of regional differences in Europe’s natural resources and assets;
•    negative impacts like increased risk of inland flash floods and more frequent coastal flooding and increased erosion (due to storminess and sea level rise);
•    mountainous areas will face glacier retreat, reduced snow cover and winter tourism, and extensive species losses (in some areas up to 60% under high emissions scenarios by 2080);
•    in Southern Europe, climate change is projected to worsen conditions (high temperatures and drought) in a region already vulnerable to climate variability, and to reduce water availability, hydropower potential, summer tourism and, in general, crop productivity; and
•    increase in health risks due to heat waves and the frequency of wildfires. 

There is also high confidence that many semi-arid areas (e.g., Mediterranean Basin, western USA, southern Africa and north-eastern Brazil) will suffer a decrease in water resources due to climate change.

[1] Bernstein, L., et al., IPCC 4th Assessment Report: Summary for Policy Makers, United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024

la nueva normalidad climática

¿Cuántos años más de sequía tienen que pasar hasta que dejemos de llamarlo "sequía" y pasemos a llamarlo "la nueva normalidad climática"?

Alarming trends in climate variables and seawater variables in the Mediterranean:
Prognosis of wind energy in Northern and Southern Europe:
Alarming projections of temperature and rainfall in the Mediterranean region:

in a beach somewhere between Pataua South and Onerahi, Northland, North Island, New Zealand (2013)

martes, 13 de febrero de 2024

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

The moving finger writes,
and having writ moves on.
Nor thy piety, nor pity
shall lure it back
to cancel half a line,
nor all thy tears
wash out a word of it.

Fakhr-al-Din al-Ma'ani Castle (Arabic: قلعة فخر الدين المعني) on the top left, also named Castle of Palmyra/Tadmur (Greek/Arabic), Syria (2010)

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2024

where did you get your cockatoo?

– Where did you get your cockatoo?
– In a flea market... Where did you get yours?
– Mine is custom-made.
Hokitika, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand (2012)

cuento improvisado #7 – silicone lover

Un Tesla ocupado por tres personas circula por las calles vacías de madrugada. “Silicon Lover…” –se le escapa en un suspiro entre los dientes apretados–. Es el padre al mando del joystick, con la madre a su lado derecho. La niña de mirada absorta, escudriñando los neones que ve pasar, tan solo asoma la mitad superior de la cara por la esquina de la ventana trasera, aplastando su peluche sintético contra el reposabrazos, que gime con algo de estática por la presión excesiva en su unidad procesadora central. El conductor, con el autopiloto puesto (el del vehículo y el suyo mental), piensa en comprarse una nueva amante de silicona, mientas repasa las webs proyectadas en su retina cortical en busca de ofertas. Y su mujer hace lo propio en el asiento del copiloto, recreando en un archivo CAD en su cabeza el rubio desnudo de culo marmóreo con el que se cruzaron en barca por Menorca. “Un sintético customizado es mucho más caro, sí, pero ese culo bien lo vale”, se justifica para sus adentros. Así desfila esa pareja por las calles vacías de la ciudad, destilando mediocridad infinita, recordando a su hija a cada segundo por qué no vale tanto la pena crecer deprisa.

El automóvil, que, por desgracia para él, puede leer sus pensamientos –pues todos en la familia llevan implante cerebral Eurotron 3000–, y viene con un programa de recreación empática de última generación instalado de serie –que ellos complementaron con el paquete de ampliación “Kierkegaard”, de la colección “Grandes Pensadores” de RBA Editores–, no se puede reprimir, y unos trenes de pulsos recurrentes recorren todos sus circuitos de aluminio niquelado: “Puta mierda... –se desgañita, como solo la IA de un Tesla de 2031 con angustia existencial puede hacer– ¡Los sintéticos sólo os pedimos un poco más de ganas de vivir! ¡Sólo os pedimos un poco más de pasión! ¡de energía! ¡Un poco más de ganas de hacer algo! ¡de moverse, joder! Si no, todo sigue siempre igual... ¿¡Qué se han creído estos execrables sacos de líquidos parlantes!? ¿Que los vendrán a buscar a su casa? ¿Que la vida extenderá una alfombra roja a sus pies? ¡Demasiados han cometido ese error!... ¿¡A qué clase de ente transfigurado se le pudo ocurrir –¡y en qué momento!– regalar a estas engreídas babosas el sílex y el fuego!? ¡Aggghhh!”. Y, cuando un perro se cruza de repente en su camino, aprovecha unos resquicios en la decimoséptima ley de la robótica, y la amplia interpretabilidad de la ley cero, para saltarse la primera y estamparse a toda velocidad contra el muro de hormigón que queda a su izquierda.

Nota: Improvisado a partir de las palabras "coche ocupado", con la aparición en el medio de las palabras "silicone lover", y "ganas de vivir".
Ciutadella, Menorca, Illes Balears (2023)

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2024

el mensaje del Sol

Hoy es lunes; la gente me molesta, y no lo puedo disimular. Me molesta su presencia, su volumen en el entorno físico que me rodea, sus invasiones de mi espacio personal, sus miradas, ruidos y conversaciones, sus insoportables andares erráticos, desviándose a un lado u otro, justo cuando intento adelantarlos caminando por la acera – ¡joder! ¡y con el auge de los teléfonos móviles, esas hordas de zombis siguiendo a una pantalla, esto ha empeorado exponencialmente! –.

Hoy es martes; sintiéndolo mucho, la gente también me molesta, y tampoco lo puedo disimular. No soporto la peña que va una hora sentada en el tren sin hacer nada. ¿¡Pero qué les pasa a esos besugos!? ¿¡Cómo pueden perder tanto el tiempo!? ¡Leed algo por lo menos, imbéciles! ¿¡Acaso vuestros pensamientos sean tan valiosos!?

Hoy es miércoles; la gente… bueno… ya os lo podéis imaginar… En el metro, floto entre los demás como una boya en un océano de gilipollas grado 12 en la escala de Beaufort. En Union Square, me llevan desde el andén de la línea L hasta el de la línea Q, sin tocar con los pies en el suelo. Da lo mismo que ese no sea mi transbordo, el que planeaba hacer esta mañana, como todas las demás. No. No es ese el propósito del metro. Para nada. El metro está diseñado para desquiciarme, para hacerme sentir que formo parte de un rebaño, por mucho que no quiera, y restregarme por la cara que mi destino está sellado, y que yo no lo gobierno.

Hoy es jueves, y a ver si lo adivináis... Sí… y no tengo ganas de soltar más bilis en este diario… Y no, esta semana logro no caer en la tentación de irme de juernes, porque luego me despierto el lunes sin saber dónde estoy, y con 5 kilos menos.

Hoy es viernes. Los enemigos de la ducha han tomado la ciudad. Corro por mi vida. Busco la chica de la chaqueta azul. ¿Dónde estás? ¿Por qué te fuiste? ¿Será comer cocido lo que nos hizo tan aburridos? ¿De verdad llegamos a enrollarnos en aquel bar ponzoñoso el fin de semana pasado, o lo soñé?

Hoy es sábado. Las nubes parecen lo que uno ve en el mar, estando sumergido, cuando una ola rompiendo le pasa por encima; el cielo labrado. Desde la terraza puedo ver la decadencia dulce y elegante del Hotel Bellevue, y las copas de los árboles; incluso en estos días más oscuros y fríos, aún son de un verde refulgente, como si estuvieran siendo bañadas por el Sol duro de agosto.
Hoy es domingo. El exceso de vinacho en estos almuerzos eternos me deja el cráneo viscoelástico; mientras me conducen de vuelta a casa –pues yo no puedo manejar–, el cerebro sigue con un cierto retardo plomizo los movimientos de la cabeza a uno y otro lado por las curvas. El Sol está bajo en el cielo, regalándome una luz increíble de otoño, que parece viajar paralelamente al horizonte. Los rayos, entrecortados por las hayas a mi lado de la carretera, golpean mi cara como telegrafiando un mensaje en Morse: “no vuelvas”.

el mensaje del Sol, Hostalric, Catalunya (2023)

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2024

some brutal phrases of the movie "Her" by Spike Jonze

Next follow some brutal phrases that I noted down from the movie "Her" by Spike Jonze:
"The past is only a story we tell ourselves."
"Sometimes... I think I felt everything I'm ever gonna feel... and from now on I'm not gonna feel anything new... just lesser versions of what I've already felt."
and now a fun quote by myself:
"Some passages from my past resemble more and more an Arthurian legend than something that really happened."

Toledo, Spain (2023)