jueves, 25 de agosto de 2022

why we need space programs

It's not the billions to go to Mars that we should use to rebuild the world after the financial crisis, the pandemics, or to plant trees, fight climate change, feed the people that suffer from starvation, etc. For those purposes, we should use instead the billions devoted to military budget and subsidies to fossil fuels, the billions in tax havens, the billions of the super-rich, etc. The breakthroughs in science and technology that must be achieved to be able to fulfill the challenge of going to Mars will improve incredibly life on Earth. Unfortunately, until a few decades ago, such breakthroughs would only occur “thanks” to wars, because it was only then that States would devote massive resources to research in very short times (with the development of vaccines for COVID-19, we have witnessed a clear demonstration of what science can achieve when adequate resources are devoted to specific objectives). Now, the list of improvements of life on Earth thanks to the money spent in space exploration is endless! Without space exploration and space programs, we would not have nowadays cellphones, computers and miniaturization of computers, satellite communications, satellite data that have boosted the productivity of agriculture, fishing, mining, etc., have allowed improving enormously meteorology, mapping, navigation, firefighting, search and rescue operations, and knowledge of the Earth' crust, atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetic field, etc., and knowledge of animal behavior, vegetation, climate, and climate change, all of this so fundamental for many applications on Earth, etc. Moreover, images taken by space observatories have allowed breakthroughs in cosmology (confirm the Big Bang theory), planetology, etc. Even more, experiments in space (in the International Space Station, for example) have also boosted the knowledge on materials sciences, medicines, life sciences, growth of vegetables, combustion, fluids, etc. So, I hope that now you see that life as we know it nowadays on Earth simply wouldn’t be possible without what the aerospace sector has given to society in return.
Please, I recommend you to see also the video 'Space Wanderers' in this link:
launch of Ariane 5 'Ciutat de Barcelona', European Space Port, Kourou, Guyane (French Guiana), France (2006)

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022

the revolution is here, as seen in Mr. Robot


"The revolution will not be televised! The revolution is here!", from Gil Scott, can also be heard in "The 6th sense" from the album "Like water for chocolate" by Common
- [Darlene] Go fuck yourself!
- [Elliot, thinking] (Darlene's right... I can't trust them. This was too easy. But at least I stop them, for now. I can go home knowning that.)
- [Elliot, speaking loudly] But was she right about me? Am I sticking my head in the sand? Did my revolution just bury our minds, instead of freeing them? Encrypting Evil Corp's data was meant to empower us. Instead, it left us powerless, scaring us into even more submission. I am not going to get rid of the invisible hand. Turned it into a fist that punched us in the dick. And like a botnet, the fear I created is spreading so fast, it's practically airborne. It's swallowed us whole, digested us, and now we're stuck in its asshole, waiting to be dumped out. And while we're here, they're having their way with us. They packaged a fight into product. Turned our dissent into intellectual property. Televising our revolution with commercial breaks. They backdoored into our minds and robbed our truth, refurbished the facts, then marked up the prices. This is what they do. It's what they're good at. This is their greatest trick.[1]
- [Frank, on TV, in distorted voice] To try and bring the truth. They're trying to take that away. And now they're moving to the next step. Yeah, next step. You know what the next step is?
- [Frank, on TV, in distorted voice] Why? So they can take away your power, and I am not talking about your electricity.
- [Elliot, speaking loudly] And this all started because... I tried to hide from society. Remember? Fuck society. Yeah, well, I fucked society, all right. I reset it to zero, and if I don't do anything about it, it will continue to grow in this malignant way. And that's what I'm afraid of the most. This dark future that I set into motion. Who knows what could come from this?
- [Donald Trump, on TV] Thank you, thank you very much.
- [Elliot, speaking loudly] What if instead of fighting back, we caved, gave away our privacy for security, exchanged dignity for safety, and traded revolution for repression? What if we choose weakness over strength
- [Donald Trump, on TV, in distorted voice] These are not the people that made our country great. These are the people that are destroying our country.
- [Elliot, speaking loudly] They'll even have us build our own prison. This is what they wanted all along. For us to buy in on our worst selves. And I just made it easier for them. I didn't start a revolution. I just made us docile enough for their slaughtering.

Elliot in Mr. Robot, season 3, episode 1


streets of Bei-dai-he, People's Republic of China (2007)

[1] That is what capitalism is precisely good at: “co-opting”; capitalism has co-opted everything from Che Guevara to punk, from anarchism to feminism, and converted everything, including all types of dissents, into (commercial) products.