jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2021

a most responsible consumer – advisable changes in western life style patterns (as of 2009)

• 7 sets of clothes at most for the winter, and 7 sets of clothes at most for the summer
• less things but of better quality and durability; sorry, no Primark
• do not use cheap, one-use-only stuff
• think twice before buying stuff, think twice before buying anything; do you really need it?
• refill, reuse and recycle
• share things, share expertise, ex-change things
• don’t be enslaved by things
• do not iron clothes: ironing is useless and high energy-consuming
• do not wash your clothes daily (particularly, the trousers, sweaters, jerseys, etc.) just after a single use, unless they are really dirty
• consume less of everything
• use less water, save as much water as possible; there are a thousand tricks to save water; you are smart, you’ll find many; just don’t be lazy
• use less energy, save as much energy as possible; there are a thousand tricks to save energy; you are smart, you’ll find many; just don’t be lazy
• Earth resources are finite; even the energy from sunlight is finite; we can’t grow indefinitely (and of course there is a clear trade solution between global world population and average level of luxury, wellbeing, commodities, etc.; that if we manage to have global wealth equally distributed and not concentrated in a handful of super-rich)
• eat less meat and dairy products, particularly from cows
• eliminate superficial, useless stuff like ties
• the best product is the one that has been produced the closest to you and is seasonal:
    o reason 1: This way you support your region’s agriculture and industry.
    o reason 2: This way less energy is wasted in transport and carbon emissions (and other pollutants) are reduced.
• do not buy products from trans-national corporations (highly renown brands) or products at Dollar stores (Todo a 100 o Todo a 1€):
    o reason 1: If you do so, you’re likely supporting industries featuring quasi-slavery labour regimes in developing countries.
    o reason 2: If you do so, you’re likely supporting also non-green industries.


Matata Beach, Rotorua, Central North Island, New Zealand (2013)

jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021

where've you been, Frankie?

random guy walking in the street meets another random guy

city night lights, the background landscape: https://photos.app.goo.gl/XjVCKLrLNQkLhJLY9

the background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXkbi-ddZXM

-    City night lights… the lights…
-    Yeah… you like them? I can assure you… the night is the same everywhere…
-    If you say so…
-    Yep…
-    Mmmm… oh! Oh! Oh, my God! Aren’t you… Frankie?… Frankie Wilde?
-    Well… dude… don’t say it so loud… only my mom calls me that…
-    (interrupting) Oh, man! Oh! God knows I’ve tried so hard to find you… Where've you been, Frankie?  
-    Gosh… just… please… just don’t call me that way… it’s not that difficult…
-    Please, please, please tell me… When did it happen? When did someone decide we were no longer young?
-    Mmmm… interesting question… not sure I have the right answer…
-    But it hurts so much in the guts… Who the hell made that decision for me… Please tell me…
-    Don’t know, dude… just… think about for a minute… would you want it? I mean… would you really want to go back there? WOULD YOU REALLY WANT YOUTH BACK?
-    …
-    Isn’t that just an infamous cliché you are repeating here, man?
-    Well… Yeah… oh! no… no! Don’t go that way… I know you… you are just pretending… you won’t fool me… You won’t even convince yourself…
-    …
-    City night lights… the lights… don’t you miss them? You know, man… I miss them… here… now… all the time… stuck in existence… abducted by routine… a long shot from what I used to be… the guy I will never be again... the mortal boredom… Is that progress? Evolution? Or just surrender?
-    Oh, yeah, but you are just so much comfortable now 😊

Kitsilano, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2008)

miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2021

papás anarquistas

papás anarquistas que quieren borrar de la faz de la tierra los coches infantiles en las puertas de las tiendas que le dan al niño un mísero meneíllo por un euro
views from Deir Mar Musa (House of Saint Moses) monastery, Syria [credit: monastic community at Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi - Nebek]

costa Alentejana, Portugal (2012)

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2021

la fobia al aburrimiento

La fobia alaburrimiento, esos malditos tiempos muertos, la soledad consigo mismo, vigilante, no sea que él fuese a escapar, devoran ellos sus entrañas, y apenas logra pensar. El ir pasando las fotografías viejas, un denso baúl lleno de rémoras, papeles, cintas, llaveros, y cadenas. La viva nostalgia, la música ensordecedora, los recuerdos que una mente manipuladora pretende endulzar; las rancias parcas amargas, esas vivencias que no se repetirán, las grúas y torres que cizallan mi cielo que llora, y él que lo anticipa, pero necesita dejarse engañar.

Fueron los dioses, los gigantes de hielo, quienes pusieron ante mí la soga, el rumor grave, herrumbre y cadenas, las vibraciones que deshacen las juntas de los huesos en mi interior. En el barco, en la noche cerrada, mis estrellas que nos lloran, me agarra su mano templada. El verde, las torres, y el hierro, las garzas que cizallan mi cielo que llora, y él que lo anticipa, pero necesita dejarse engañar. ¡Ah, yo os deploro, que me embarcasteis en esta insufrible tiranía, que cada momento deba ser perfecto, como si fuese el único, el último y el primero!

manzana, Madrid (1999)

bruma, Jazmín y los indigentes de alma oscura


No es si no bruma de lava sobre tierras
ya de por sí tenebrosas y cariacontecidas,
enojo desbocado, miradas al suelo,
y el aroma de eneldo que los toma de un salto.

Pregunta si es así, la pérdida de tu fiereza,
el tronco que le barra el paso al herrero,
que Jazmín, risueña, los toma de un salto.

Son ellos, los indigentes de alma oscura,
que ocultan sus miserias
bajo espesas gafas,
correo comercial y demás basura.

Buscan en aquéllos las razones
a las sillas vacías en su funeral,
y dan con pesar, a todos los presentes,
el abrazo que negaron a sus madres,
que Jazmín, risueña, los toma de un salto.

Port d'Eivissa, Eivissa (2012)